Spice it up!

January 14, 2013 § Leave a comment

Sofra Spices

If you’re into food like me, there’s nothing like finding a new spot to eat, right? Since my trip to London and lunch at [Ottolenghi](http://www.ottolenghi.co.uk/) this past fall, I’ve been big into experimenting with new spices. I’m so intrigued by taking familiar foods and transforming them into a whole new eating experience.

I wish I could say that my new spot was Ottolenghi, but unfortunately, my husband isn’t into going to England every few months. Thankfully, I do live in New England and I discovered [Sofra](http://www.sofrabakery.com/) in Cambridge, MA. Not only to do they have excellent Middle Eastern dishes, they also sell their incredible spices. I couldn’t resist and I’ve been experimenting ever since.

My first time using za’tar was a success; I sprinkled some on roasted butternut squash with tahini. Again, using a familiar food like squash and adding a new spin on it.

Is there an unfamiliar food, spice, herb, or condiment that is out there waiting for you to try? I often hear that people get bored with their food choices and that they run out of ideas of what to make.

Hmm…maybe we could reframe that assumption. What if there were endless foods and ways to pair ingredients; wouldn’t that make eating fun? If you’re looking for new spices to try, check out [Newport Spice Company.](http://newportspice.com/)


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